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We Did It!

Posted by Melissa Taylor on
We Did It!

We survived the first day (and week) of Junior Kindergarten!   And the best part is, Little Miss is EXCITED to go every day..

Little Miss, before we left for school.

I'll admit it...I got almost zero sleep the night before, but that's no surprise considering how worried I was about this whole transition.  Add to that the gigantic stye & swelling in her eye that she woke up with 2 days before, and I was a mess.  But despite my fretting over how Little Miss would work through her first day(s) at her new "job", I'm pretty sure that deep down, I was actually worrying more about keeping lunch/snacks fun and interesting beyond the first month of school 🙄 #iamnotapinterestmom.  Okay, so maybe I was also kinda stressed about being by myself during the day, for the first time since she was born.  

As it turns out though, I had absolutely nothing to be worried about; and I totally knew that going in - remember my last post? I really needed to take my own wisdom-filled advice lol.  Seriously.  This little Rockstar of ours tossed a wave over her shoulder, and strode into the school like she owned it! 

The Fam Jam, outside Little Miss' school

Thank goodness I had my husband with me, because I cried the whole 10 minute walk home.  And if I'm being honest, it was a struggle to get any work done because I was watching the clock for pick up time, terrified the school would call me to say that she was inconsolable and needed to go home.  Silly, right?  Especially since when I went to get her, she came out grinning and jabbering on about how much fun she had. 

To make the first day extra special, we went to her favourite restaurant for dinner (Mandarin FTW!), and she got to open a couple of small surprises before (a super early) bedtime.

We're into week 2 of school now, and despite a couple of tears at the drop off door in the morning, Little Miss still comes out of the classroom smiling and full of stories to tell us about her day.  And I know it's only #onwardsandupwards from here.  So if you need me, I'll just be on Pinterest saving cool snack & lunch ideas to a random board I'll probably never look at again.

Tell me about your experience with your littles' first day(s) of school!


- Melissa


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